Curtis – Chief Operating Officer & Dadvocate (2020 – Present)
Hi, I’m Curtis! I am a full-time Advocate for Pediatric Cancer and even more of a full-time GIRL DAD! Becoming part of the Warrior Family in January of 2020 was truly the hardest thing that we never thought we’d face. The silver lining was all the amazing families that we encountered and became close with. This brings us so much Joy every time we send a new package out, seeing those big smiles is our true reward!

Trish – Chief Executive Officer & Momcologist (2020 – Present)
Hi, I’m Trish! I am a full-time stay at home mom and absolute mama bear with my girls. The journey to get here was not easy, often times it is hard to see all these innocent children suffering but we know firsthand how hard they can fight! with every package sent its and new ray of hope for these warriors, a new soldier in their army, a new family that prays for them and we will not stop until there is a cure for childhood cancer!
Amanda – Community Outreach Director (2023 – Present)
I’m Amanda! I’m a full time wife, mommy, and HR Administrator for a local Appleton sale company. I enjoy anything fitness, Disney, or holiday related. I met the Vallier family a few years ago through a gym I previously owned and got to know them well. After Jaycee’s diagnosis we became more involved with them for special events and decided to become part of the team officially in 2023!

Anneliesa – Big Sister, Tie Blanket Expert & Jr Board Member (2020 – Present)
Hi, my name is Anneliesa! I make the tie blankets for the care packages. When I’m not tying blankets I like to bake, photography, hangout with friends and family, workout and pray. I Love being a big sister and really enjoy making these care packages together.
Miley – Big Sister, Merchandise Specialist & Jr Board Member (2020 – Present )
Hi, i’m Miley! I am a level 6 gymnast, I love art, Hair & Makeup and taking pictures for our social media. Working with my family to put together these care packages and sending joy where it is needed the most is what I love the most about our mission.

Jaycee – Our Founder, Our Warrior and Our Inspiration (2020 – 2021)
At just 7 years old this little warrior has traveled a decades journey! She has been through 3 Brain surgeries, many many MRI’s and tests, 6 weeks of Radiation and ultimately the Defeat of Cancer! She is a true inspiration to all of us and should stand as an example that anything is possible with the right support and love! **UPDATE: Jaycee relapsed on 9/11/20 and has to date gone through 5 cycles of Chemo and Stem Cell Collection, she is fighting strong and has an amazing support system and team of doctors. She is still active in helping fill the boxes and getting stronger everyday!
**UPDATE: on 2/18/21 Jaycee will undergo 9 days of intense High Dose Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant @ Children’s Milwaukee, She and Dad will be gone for 4-6 weeks for this process, during this time Battlecorn will continue to operate with Mom and 2 Older sisters at the helm. Please pray for our family and continue to share our information to anyone that could use a smile sent their way!
**UPDATE: on 7/3/21 after a long 520 day battle, Jaycee laid down her sword and gained her angel wings. She gave us the strength to keep this legacy alive and continue to share smiles in her honor.
God Bless!!